Good Samaritan

St. Johns Church Entebbe

Good Samaritan

Welcome to the Good Samaritan Ministry, a compassionate arm of St. John's Parish Church, dedicated to extending love, aid, and hope to the underprivileged, orphans, bereaved, the sick in hospitals, and prisoners in prisons, among others, in our beloved Entebbe community.

Our Mission

Our mission is deeply rooted in the parable of the Good Samaritan, where love and kindness transcend boundaries. We are committed to:

1. Helping the Vulnerable: We reach out to those facing challenging circumstances, including orphans, the bereaved, and the sick, offering them solace, comfort, and practical assistance.

2. Supporting the Imprisoned: We extend our care to prisoners, recognizing their humanity and providing a helping hand in their rehabilitation.

3. Encouraging Donations: We encourage the generous spirit of our congregation and community, seeking donations and support to expand our outreach and make a meaningful impact.

4. Inspiring Others: Through our work, we hope to inspire others to join us in acts of kindness and community service, fostering a culture of compassion in Entebbe.

Join Our Ministry

Whether you're a long-standing member of St. John's Parish or a newcomer, our Good Samaritan Ministry welcomes you to join our mission of love and assistance. We gather regularly to plan and execute our outreach activities, making a positive difference in the lives of those in need.

Support Our Cause

If you feel called to contribute to our ministry or have resources to offer, we invite you to partner with us. Your support allows us to reach even more individuals and families in need, spreading love and hope throughout our community.

Contact Us

For inquiries, to join our ministry, or to offer your support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Together, we can be modern-day Good Samaritans, reaching out to those who need it most and fostering a brighter, more compassionate Entebbe community.

Thank you for considering the Good Samaritan Ministry at St. John's Parish Church, where love, support, and generosity combine to make a lasting impact on the lives of the less fortunate among us.