Dorcus Ministry

St. Johns Church Entebbe

Dorcus Ministry

Welcome to the Dorcus Ministry, a heartfelt and compassionate initiative within St. John's Parish Church dedicated to extending love, support, and hope to widows, orphans, and widowers within our cherished community.

Our Mission

Our mission is inspired by the biblical figure Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) who was known for her acts of kindness and charity. We are committed to:

1. Supporting Widows and Widowers: We reach out to those who have lost their spouses, offering them emotional support, practical assistance, and a caring community to lean on.

2. Nurturing Orphans: We provide love, care, and educational support to orphaned children, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive despite their circumstances.

3. Encouraging Donations: We invite the generous hearts within our congregation and community to support our ministry, enabling us to extend our outreach and provide essential assistance to those in need.

4. Strengthening the Vulnerable: We strive to strengthen the emotional and social well-being of the widows, widowers, and orphans we serve, empowering them to face life's challenges with resilience.

Join Our Ministry

Whether you're a long-standing member of St. John's Parish or a newcomer, the Dorcus Ministry warmly welcomes you to join our mission of compassion and support. We gather regularly to plan and execute our outreach activities, fostering a sense of belonging and solidarity among those we serve.

Support Our Cause

If you feel called to contribute to our ministry or have resources to offer, we invite you to partner with us. Your support enables us to reach even more individuals and families in need, bringing hope and assistance to the most vulnerable among us.

Contact Us

For inquiries, to join our ministry, or to offer your support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Together, we can continue the legacy of Dorcas, providing care, comfort, and strength to widows, widowers, and orphans within our beloved Entebbe community.

Thank you for considering the Dorcus Ministry at St. John's Parish Church, where love, support, and generosity combine to make a lasting impact on the lives of those who need it most.